Join Us

Have an idea for social change? Create an Action Group, or join one of our existing groups!

Volunteer Opportunities

NASJA's mission is to encourage welcoming and inclusive communities by collaborating with local residents and organizations to promote social justice.


Administration: monthly meetings + regular communications and tasks

  • President (1) - Oversees the entire organization, facilitates any issues that arise in the organization, acts as a spokesperson for the organization, is a member of the Board, and attends all Board meetings.

  • Vice President(s) (1-2) - Liaison between Action Groups. Collects regular updates from Organizers

  • Communications Director(s) (1-2) - Keeps track of membership, website, and social media presence, and keeps a list of all interested parties: groups, organizations, etc.

  • Clerks (2) - Take notes at all admin meetings, develop newsletters and email blasts.

Board of Directors: quarterly meetings + semi-regular communications and tasks

  • Board Members (9) - Uphold the mission of NASJA, keeping all members accountable for equity and inclusivity.


  • Action Group Organizers (unlimited) - Organize, inform, and manage an action group focused on a specific, local, and relevant social justice task and/or goal.

  • Action Group Members (unlimited) - Can join one or more Action Groups depending on personal time and energy available.

Action Groups

NASJA Action Groups